04 Mar

What is the Void Century?

The Void Century is a period of 100 years that remains largely unrecorded. The events during this time are known as the true history of the world, which the World Government has forbidden the study of. The events of the Void Century occurred 700-800 years before the current timeline of One Piece. Everything known about it comes from Poneglyphs written in a language that only a few people know how to read. Currently, only Robin, the members of the Three-Eye Tribe, and those who can hear the voice of all things can decipher the inscriptions on the Poneglyphs .The Void Century, or the true history of One Piece, holds dangerous secrets that could potentially plunge the world into chaos if revealed.

 What Happened During the Void Century?

The undocumented period of 100 years, known as the Void Century, is where several events that shaped the world of One Piece as it is today took place. There are three significant events that define the Void Century:

The Great War

The Great War culminated in the fall of Shandora and is one of the most pivotal events of the Void Century. Shandora, built by the ancestors of the Shandia, was attacked by the Twenty Kingdoms, a coalition that later became the World Government. The Shandia fought to protect their Poneglyph and continued to guard it even after Shandora was reduced to ruins. This event is crucial as it establishes some connection between the establishment of the World Government and the inhabitants of the moon. Further exploration of this link could lead to conclusions about what exactly happened during the Void Century.

 Island Country Heaven Raphael

Heaven Raphael was a powerful nation located on the last island in the Grand Line. It possessed the God's Tear stream, which gave rise to special fruits called God's Fruit, granting superpowers to those who ate them. However, it faced an enemy coalition, leading to a massive battle that resulted in Heaven Raphael's downfall. The king foresaw this and hid the nation's history on Poneglyphs. The citizens added Devil (D) to their names to preserve their wishes. Eventually, Heaven Raphael fell, and the Void Century ended. At the same time, an organization known as the World Government emerged, believed to be the ancient kingdom's ancient enemy.

The reason and how the National Alliance managed to overthrow the Ancient Kingdom remain a mystery until now. However, Gol D. Roger found this secret when he followed the traces of historical texts and reached Raftel island. He discovered that he and those with the initial (D). in their names are descendants of the ancient Kingdom of Heaven Raphael. The (D) in their names serves as a reminder that one day they will overthrow the World Government. Although he knew what he needed to do, his health didn't allow it (he was suffering from an incurable disease) and he realized he wasn't strong enough to oppose the World Government, so he turned himself in to the Marines and revealed the existence of One Piece before his death. This revelation opened a new generation of pirates and brought those with the initial (D). in their names closer to the hidden secret of over 800 years. Gol D. Roger sacrificed his life to pass on his will to the next generation, hoping that a powerful group of pirates would reach Raftel and fulfill the will of (D).

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