15 Jan

After 2 years of training with the Dark King Rayleigh, Monkey D. Luffy returns with the X-shaped scar on his body, causing much debate. Some careless readers believe that the scar was caused by the two years of training, while others think it was from Zoro's attack. Below is the hypothesis surveyed by many sources: 

Who caused the Luffy's scar X-shaped ?

The X-shaped on Luffy's scar  was caused by Akainu. Using a magma-infused punch on Jimbe, who was carrying the unconscious Luffy, the attack exploded directly into Luffy's chest. Akainu is Admiral Akainu in One Piece, first introduced as a Navy Admiral along with Admirals Kizaru and Aokiji. While his introduction came later, he is considered terrifying and powerful like his fellow admirals.

After Ace's death, Jinbe carried Luffy away from Akainu's pursuit. Due to the black and white chapters that were difficult to see, Luffy was later bandaged, leading to the misconception that the scar was from the two years of training. However, it was actually caused by the punch that went through Jinbe and hit Luffy's chest.

Additionally, while on Fish-Man Island, Jinbe recounts Akainu's battle with Aokiji (Admiral Ice), and when Luffy heard Akainu's name, he angrily touched the scar on his chest.

Further evidence comes from the author himself answering a question in One Piece SBS volume 62:Fan: "This is a question. Is the scar on Luffy's chest from 2 years ago when Akainu attacked Jinbe and Luffy? I remembered when I watched the anime yesterday..."

Oda: Yes indeed. That bastard penetrated Jinbe's arm and left a large scar on Luffy's chest! That bastard!! This confirms that Akainu is indeed the one who caused the X-shaped scar on Luffy's chest.

Who caused the scar on Luffy's eye?

As for the scar on Luffy's eye, unlike other pirates, Luffy has few scars on his body, one on his chest and one on his eye. While the origin of the scar on his chest is somewhat clear, the origin of the scar on his eye remains a mystery and is one of the most easily overlooked details.

In fact, Luffy caused this scar with his own hand to show his determination to set sail and become a pirate with the Red-Haired Pirates. Going back to chapter 1, Luffy tried to convince Shanks how brave he was by... stabbing himself in the face. Of course, this daring act was not enough to convince Shanks to let him join his crew.

However, it showed Shanks and even the readers the determination and unwavering will of Luffy when he was still a little kid.

Both scars show Luffy's sometimes crazy determination. These scars speak of Luffy's fearless character, always ready to protect his friends and loved ones, and always steadfast on the path he has chosen.

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